The Dragon Fire Rookie & Veteran Program is for our athletes ages 12 – 18 years old and is split into two separate training protocols. The Rookie Protocol is where we build a base of training knowledge and begin to learn and master the 7 basic movement patterns for athletes that have never trained with us before, or who have limited training experience. This basic program will also help build confidence, self esteem, and the athletes understanding of what training will do for them, as well as teach the the basic exercise techniques seenthroughout the rest of the programs. During this program we teach body mechanics, running techniques, body weight exercises and plyometric movements that promote physical, mental, and athletic development. Rookie training lasts 1 or 2 training programs depending on the athletes personal development.
The Veteran Protocol is where we take the base that was built during the Rookie protocol and begin to further build and expand upon it and apply more intense stress to the athletes body to become stronger, more powerful, more explosive, and develop overall athleticism. During this time we will use scientific training methods and testing to produce results and track improvements in the athletes performance. The results seen in our Dragon Fire programs are not seen in most other training programs or protocols. This is real training and gets results.